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Cutie gives handjobs from her car to make strangers cum
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Damn that guys dick can spit
Whenever someone asks me for money in public homeless/ etc. i ask them if they would like to get their dick sucked or get a handjob. And i also get a couple homeless men/addicts or just down ont heir luck. To pulls their cocks out and i usually dont suck them becausd of diesease. Biut they suck each other and i stroke their
Cocks and feel
The warm cum. Its amazing how big the cock are on homeless men. And how. Much cum they can shoot. And how they nonstop keep squirting bog stringy shots of cum and they fall weak and start saying how good it feels and how they havent had their dick sucked or a handjov from anyone for years and they dont jerk ofd anymote and bavent cummed for months years i had a guy who was like 70 get in my car and i started rubbing his crotch and he was older so he took a bit to get hard. And he was uncut and his dick was fucking enormous. He was uncircumsized and his tip was like a little balled up fist. Hos shaft was twisted and bent and curved to the left and back ward like his tip was pointing at himself and he could shoot cum on his face or self. His girth was like a weist. And his shale of the shaft was like flat and wide like a wrist/candy corn. So thick my fingers did not touch when i grasped my hand around it. His tip was so infected and it was red and purple and hos foreskin was not cleaned propely ever. And it really hurt hiim to move it around he said he never has ever seen his head because his head is bigg the doctors said he was born with a abnormal sized penis. And his head was deformed and really big and looked like it was put through a beating/grinder. It was shaped all funky. His frenulum was extra thick like 5x as wide and thick as a nornal man. And it was half the length it should be. And it connected directly into the eye of his dick. And would tug and cause insane pain. And they said onle way to fix would br circumsion and he eould lose a big chunk1/3 of his tip and alot of sensiyivitt. And his mother said it was not worth it. If he used polysporin it would get better. She she applied it daily 3-3 times to him untill he eas 17z lol. He said she would ask him how it felt abd if he ever cummed abd she got sorta turned on by seeing and touching jt. Becausd it was hugr. She sometimes got stuck
In her head stroking it and he would say mom stop. And she would. And he said that oventually she asked if she could stroke it to see if something haplened and he let her and he busyed his first nut allover her face and tits he said she got wild after that and oulled them out saying this wa their secret and she strated sucking his dick and tit fucking and she sould relieve him daily untill she got caught by a neighbor and he got taken away. And he said woman would never let him fuck just touch it and they as said it was ugly and smelt bad and was to bug it would hurt so he gave up. And became a addict. And i asked him if i could see his head come out if he could try or i could he said yes but was scared. I tryed and it hurt him bad he tryed and he couldent i offered 100$ he said it hurt and he couldent his dick night get infected worst and ger amputated. So i got hum somr liqour and he got drunk and i touched it abd keep asking and he said i could try but it would rip and tear mosr liklys. So i spit on it and start pulling it back he was gasped in making painful sounds. All the sudden he started taking a huge swif from the bottle and i just went for it and it slowly but all the sudden tugfed it and it went pop and slide down his head and stuck around his helmeet ridges and his frenulum was so stretched it was tearing and vleeding and he jumped and screamed. And said oh my god wtf. And i said look. And he looked and said oh my god ny head i can see it. But its hurt and its vbleeding and my frenulum is torn. And his head was so filthy with cheese it was infected and red blisters and sores he panicked and tryed tinget his foreskin back iver hsi head and couldent and he started freskibg out and he enxed up ripped his frenulum rip off anf hurting his head badly he squished it and teyr o pull it that he ruined the membrane around his tip and his head was so badlt infexted and damaged i actualy sucked ir for him abd was scared to get sick. And it make him
Sooth and he statted fuckibg nt face and he busted his nuts and it was so gross it was foreskin dieseased i bit hit head and broke some veins and he gor mad and hit me so i bit harder and cut into his shaft beloe his head and teyed tk take his head off abd he begged me tk
Stop but he said he was gunna kill me so i said either you let me go or i take your dick with me. And he meot fighting and i yanked away and tore his head off it was dangling attached by some veings he grabbed his abd it kept ynraveling abd drooping he fainted and passedout and i reenr over and i grabb the tip and i ripped it off abd it starte dgushing blood and is toped stomped him dick shaft and balls into a mess of bothing i seen cum squirtin from
Hsi balls and it was flowibg allover rhe ground with blood his dick was smeared on the oavement with his balls he must have had a nughtmare waking up. Fucked deseved it poison me
Desiese me
And rey to kill me. You lose your rapist dick 14” dick no