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German girlfriend in pantyhose pees at a public train station
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Oh that is so sexy. Wish I Could have been on that platform walking past her. I would have had to stop and watch her pissing out of that beautiful cunt.
So sexy
I'd drink from her fountain
I think that dog was jealous of her pissing ability
fucking love it cute girl too
Love the power
Hot video !!!
Good stream! German underground station MORITZPLATZ in Berlin.
Damn! I think I'm in love. She could be dangerous; maybe put out an eye of some poor unsuspecting guy, wanting to get a close-up look!
An impressive power-piss that could put many guys to shame, for distance. It's rare, but we certainly wouldn't want this woman's hard stream hitting our balls! Wonder how many ounces she lost in those 12-seconds? Was a shame she had to cut it off so soon when the train pulled in, as she no doubt still had more to share with us. 8 points
She SPRITZED at Spritzplatz
I once had a girlfriend who could piss just like her, if only i had the chance to video her, there would have been some epic footage to show back then. Only the memories remain.....
Wow what a really thick hard spray of piss that was! She shot it out maybe 10 feet or so directly in front of her in just a matter of a few seconds...Lovely stuff!!!...
The dog in the background looks interested!
There are about 8/10 clips of this girl nasty things wish i could get them all in one place.
Wonderful, forceful bladder! It's a lucky man who would catch that in his mouth.
More of the same please
More please!
Just Awesome.
I am truly amazed by her.
Beautiful girl
Schöner 3-etappen-piss. Mit dem Strahl könnte sie auch jemanden gezielt ins Maul pissen (oder etwa auf den Hund ab 00:33)
Auf keinen Fall sollte sie es jedoch von der Bahnsteigkante aus tun (schon wegen der Bahn aber vor allem der Stromschiene)
dat war jeil! ick gloob erst is n leiser forz zu hörn, und denn pisst die alte los und det mitten inner öffentlichkeit, wie in all diesen ostblockpornos der selben katejorie.
interessant is ooch die tamponkordel zwischen ihren schamlippen. die frooche is nur, warum sie sie nich abbutzt, wie im letztn video.
Bitte heirate mich. Please marry me!
german chicks squat an piss better, yea wanna lick her out
german girls the best luv squatting sluts she's beautiful
She is brilliant
Atta girl!
That was really epic!
love you