Dominant women soak him in hot piss outdoors

Dominant women soak him in hot piss outdoors
10 years ago 3:22 50563
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He opens his mouth as the first lady pisses into it, soaking his tongue and his face with her urine. A little later the second dominatrix pees on him as well, humiliating him completely.

Categories: pissing girls
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Unknown 3 years ago

Love it

Unknown 7 years ago

00:21 Klingt, als ob die Offizierin sein Gesicht dabei auch ANPFURZT!
Finde, für dieses "Versehen" sollte er sie dafür auf den After küssen.

Unknown 7 years ago

Die Pisse von den Dominas würde ich auch sehr gerne mal trinken. Kann ich mir das Video irgendwo in voller Länge anschauen?
The piss of the Dominas I would also like to drink. Can I watch the video somewhere in full length?

Unknown 9 years ago

Dummest guy I`ve ever seen. First he doesn`t even drink the ladies` precious, warm piss, even though he`s supposed too. Next he licks the dirty road where he spilled their piss. He doesn`t deserve the luxurious treatment they give him AT ALL. They should kill the idiot right on the dot instead. - If it was me they offered their lasy piss, I`d happily and greatfully drink it all, and there wouldn`t be anything on the road to lick. Also; I woldn`t ever lick on the road, even if I really spilled a few tiny drops....I think that idiot desrves to lick the road, and nothing more...WHY are ladies allways pissing into the mouths` of the wrong guys, instead of into MY mouth. They must be stupid also. But gorgeous they are, and they piss stunningly....I choose to vote UP on this video, cause sexy ladies pissing are always good. But that guy...geee....jerk

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