Peeing girls caught on security camera in the lobby

Peeing girls caught on security camera in the lobby
9 years ago 2:12 75575
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They saw the place was empty so the chicks came in and pissed on the floor. They didn’t know a camera was there to watch them pee and leave without cleaning up.

Categories: pissing girls
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Unknown 3 years ago

Gross? It is absolutely NOT gross. It's erotic AF. They left beautiful puddles of pee, which I'm sure will smell wonderful for a couple days as well.. And they didn't wipe! All 3 have pissy panties. .I would love to do pee play with all of them, specially blue jacket girl!

Unknown 3 years ago

I don’t think it’s their apartment doors. Looks like car park stairs. The second girl really needed to go for sure !

Unknown 9 years ago

What stupid music, but maybe has a funny lyric.
Wow, the young woman in heeled-shoes has such an urine-urge, that she cant wait for the finish of the one girls peeing, so she squats near to her and does a strong-streamed, big PISS !

Unknown 9 years ago

I need a closer look. Is that the door to their apartment. gross

Unknown 9 years ago

great pee :-))) pissing an ocean

Unknown 9 years ago

Wow. Sweeties. The gorgous one in light blue jacket and stilettos are pissing an ocean. And neither of them wipes. Perfect. I love them...Kisses...

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