Russian bride and her bridesmaids pee in the woods

Russian bride and her bridesmaids pee in the woods
10 years ago 1:53 122804
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When the bride has to piddle, the bridesmaids help hold up the dress as she squats and pisses in the park. Some of the other girls have to pee too and it all ends up on camera.

Categories: pissing girls
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Unknown 8 months ago

From one pee to the next!

Unknown 11 months ago

She must have been really desperate. Why didn’t the bridesmaids when they peed show their bare bums?

Unknown 6 years ago

The bride really needed to go seeing how long she peed for. I like the girl on the right who's become desperate watching the bride pee and quickly runs over to the side to squat soon afterwards

Unknown 8 years ago

Like the dress

Unknown 9 years ago

a pissing bride

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