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Attractive girls peeing and shitting in the college toilet
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Fixed right behind the WC is a hidden camera to get great footage of coed beauties going to the restroom. Wide-spread pussies piss and gaped assholes drop feces into the bowl as the camera films it all.
pissing girls
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Did the girl at 3:40 cum as she shit?
I love how she fucked and she is pretty.
I’d fuck every single one of these pussies no doubt
I highly doubt that's dude cum. Its extremely common for a girl to have vaginal discharge come out when there pooping. Actually the best way to collect vaginal discharge and or cervical mucus, is while there pooping. Sometimes it's nice and creamy sometimes its clear like egg whites. It all depends on the pussy cream, vaginal discharge, girl smegma. I mean that's what makes pussies wet and fun. Who wants a dry pussy? No one.
That was a lot of shit with a nice pussy grool at the end
Seriously the one fuckn thing that should be private, come on guys show a little class
I wanna lick the second girl's big white buttcrack
I wanna lick the 2nd girl's big white buttcrack
The white discharge with that last push looks delish. No wipe
no wonder people get sick these days, because they dont understand much,,,
I wish we could kiss and have sex I smack her booty so hard ...
The girl at 2min was sexy and I would've had no problem eating her scat. I wish the second to last girl would've taken a nice dump too.
Love watching the shit coming out of a woman's asshole
A question was asked if she was cuming. The answer is no. She had just got fucked and she let him cum in her. Then when she was struggling so hard to get the shit out she pushed his cum out too. Apparently women use their vaginal muscles at the same time as their anal muscles when taking a shit. My question is... What if he wanted to fuck her in the ass? Then her reply would have been... “Uhh sorry baby I’d let you but I gotta take a shit. So can you hurry up and cum. Thanks. Appreciate ya.”
The broad in the jeans, I'da let her shit in my mouth
Pretty sure the girl that was taking a shit had just been fucked recently. Leftover cum spilling out of her pussy perhaps?
Nice long drop at 3.35.
I would lick shit off her asshole or from her pussy!
Girl #3 is dripping with pussy juice by the time she's done. Some girls get aroused by shitting. But girls who know they're being watched when shitting get very, very excited.
Bruh, did i just catch her wiping from back to front? Thats disgusting
Blue Hen here...I don't recognise this bathroom. which is it?
Eww OMG the girl at 2min is disgusting
The first girl was lush... would have loved to see her shit too.... always so hot seeing a girl that perfect make her stink.
>how do you know this is udel? are there more of them online?
I used to go there... I recognize that bathroom it's a unisex one... 2 years ago the guy that did this was busted.
look at the wide open slut assholes on the white shorts and black dress
I want to eat their shit
Most of them had a lot of anal sex
I love hearing women moaning when they are trying to shit
> This cam is at University of Delaware! Google it!
how do you know this is udel? are there more of them online?
This cam is at University of Delaware! Google it!
the first girl i want to lick her possy
hear how the pooper moans?
Love all the pissing but especially the cute blonde in the white skirt she has a nice bush too
I'm in love with the first girl. I'd cuddle with her and fuck her nonstop and impregnate her endlessly in bed.
how can I download this?
I like girls 2-3 and 5 only
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Can you cum and shit at the same time 3.34
I'm seeing a lot of comments accusing these woman being "dirty" and not washing their hands. Here's a few things I've noticed from the video:
Girls #1 and #2: The ends are cut out, so you can't determine their washing habits.
Girl #3: At 4:15 girls butt cheek is showing. At 4:16 (one second later), pants are pulled up, zipped, buttoned, and purse is put on. Either this video was cut, or this chick is a fuckin' witch.
Girl #4: Watch the door handle just as she walks to the right; You'll see at one moment there's a shadow-like reflection, then the next moment it disappears.
Girl #5: Hard to determine, but whatever.
Girl #6: Again, just like girl #4, you can see another shadow-like reflection on the door handle disappear right after she pulls her pants up and goes out of view.
It's almost as if these videos were edited to cut out the parts where they washed their hands. Cuz you's perfectly fine that we're watching girls taking a shit and pissing, but God forbid a girl doesn't wash her hands. :\
they knew the camera was there, the first one looked directly at it.
The girl after the one that did the shit was hot
I wish she would shit in my mouth
Which Type of cam he Used?
Lol 3:34 SHE DID CUM!!!!
The sexiness of the shitting girl. What a nice ass
Very pretty girls
Glad of stopping the terrible noise after 2 minutes
The girl who poops has a nice skin-tint and a pretty butt (2:10)
OMG - I can smell her shit ;-)
03:30 did she just cum...
6:26 didnt flush
Yall nasty
Bitch at 4minutes shat and then dried her shit onto her hands. What a nasty skank.
It takes that ish from 3:05-3:35 to get that last turd out
The girls who only turn on the hand dryer so people outside can think they washed their hands...
Those are the tyoes of girl who cheat on their SO
Really good video. More please
Love number 4 and 5
And although pissing and pooping is not really my thing, watching that 2nd girl's rack makes it all worth it.
This has to be one of the best videos on this site. The quality, the camera angle, the girls... damn.
The one in the short dress and the one after that make me cum everytime. Especially the one in the sexy skirr she is extremley hot!
Two kind of girls: those who walk out without washing their hands and those who only kick the hand dryer into action on their way out so that people outside would think they washed their hands.
just walk out this is why bumping people for now on look don't mean nothing about hygiene
This is one of the best videos of this kind. Whoever uploaded it more, more, more please.
Some of they just dry the hands without washing them before... really little pigs!
I love how all of them go under the automatic hand dryer to make it sound like they were drying their hands so they dont appear dirty to everyone listening outside the door.. imagine how poor their hygiene is.... they probably dont shower for days lol.
even the men in the mens room wash their hands at least ocassionally....
Girls # 4 and #5 have really big assholes, especially # 5.
vorrei sedermi sulle gambe mentre girl fanno la cacca
A masterpeace ! Please , keep on likes this ...
Woman in blue top really struggles to push her shit out :). Love vids like this, hope loads more get uploaded
the video has been cut wtf
First girl is very sexy ass and hawe cute face .
Suprised how most didn't wash they're hands afterwards.
No she pulls them up really quick look again
Girl that comes in at 5:10 leaves without her panties.
Please more this video
... more please!
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