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Their bladders needed to get emptied
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He needed to piss, and his girlfriend saw that as a great opportunity to take a leak herself. They found a convenient place and both of them urinated in their own way.
pissing girls
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Why didn't you pee in Ms Phelan's graves??
Why did you pee there?!
that´s SO gr8 ♥
whoo, thats sexy. still pissing whike standing up... came twice.
I LOVE IT ! Oups ... a bit drunk, aren't they ? They could hardly stand and walk ! They staggered, they tottered, they swayed, they wobbled ... They would not have been able to go much further ! It was super urgent to empty their full bladder. I'm sure they would not have been able to restrain of doing pipi any longer. What a very long piss of both of them. They found an incredible good safe place to pee like this and the cameraman also was on the right spot : he didn't miss one drop of her evacuating her urine : congratulations. Oups ... did she realise that she splashed the lower part of her trousers ? She indeed didn't wait till she had completely finished to try to roll up her knicker and her trousers. They certainly created a large pool. I'm sure they felt better after having relieved themselves and to start to drink again.... It's nearly funny ! I had once to help a woman of 34 years old to help her to take off her knicker and her trousers between two cars on a parking. She had drunk a lot of Guinness after a concert. She had a good solid stream of piss when she tried to squat. I had to help her to stay squatted. I was very impressed by the long solid flow of piss and the puddle. My shoes were nearly drenched. I told her later on when she wasn’t too much drunk any more.
She pissed all over her trousers and was still pissing as she pulled up her thong. Not sexy, just dirty.
Two drunks who can not even stand straight pissing all over themselves is not erotic
Russian music?
1: Hey, me too. but mine is formed to left side, so in this case i would piss on her back if i get an errection of watching her pissing! hot, not?
huge stream, very good :-)
I see the crackheads have crawled out of their pit.
That was always my problem with having a deformed penis. I always pissed on my feet.