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Loads of hot cum spewed on women in public
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Public masturbation goes to another level in this rare compilation of cumshots on unsuspecting ladies. Some get extremely angry to be spewed with a stranger’s semen.
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When I was a teenager my foster mom would get so drunk and pass out so hard and I would jerk off all in her hair on her sexy feet. I'd rub my cock on her face and lips. She would pass out in her panties and I would cum on the outside of the panties right on her pussy. She never knew what was going on. Even to this day she has no clue how many time I came on ur and in her hair. Such a drunk but super hot. I wish we had camera phones back then. I probably came on her at least 100 times over the years.
My wife misty is such a fucking slut and unfaithful who're. She has fucked at least 30 different men since we've been together. I'd love for this guy to fuck and cum in all her holes.
This guy is so awesome. I'd love to help him film this shit.
Love this guy. I would love for him to cum all over me when I'm out in public. Why can't there be more brave, sexy guys like this near me.
This guy needs be locked up. They have his DNA so it's only a matter of time
These guys are all legends. I'd love to do this.
No offence these have to be staged some guy is strolling around with his twiggy stick out and no one goes after him
The chicks just stand there hell hes in a shopping centre wanking off you'd think that may get the attention of the rent a cops
Settle down dude I can guarantee that not only would he break your jaw but I guarantee a lot of guys are blowing their cum on your girl while your away lol
This guys is a legend and you should all calm down! I've never heard of someone catching and std when cum lands on their bum or back or clothes- dickhead!
This fucker needs to be beaten.... spreading his STD's
What a sick guy, hope the police catch him soonest!
If I'd ever catch such ... cumming on my gf, I would break his jaw in 2 pieces.