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Jerking the cock literally everywhere
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So I see the feminist bitches complaining with their dry untouched pussies. So when a female medical worker, or female prison officer strips a guy naked in front of everyone and then touches (...s) him, it's ok to you but this is nasty and intimidating? Stop crying wolf you double standard bitch. Men are ... by the millions, and people like you just over look that fact. Why are female sports reporters allowed in the male locker room when the men are naked? Why are female nurses allowed to strip and touch a male's private parts without any consequences? That's ... you fuck, and it happens in the millions everyday to men.
Wish we could get some subtitles. Wish we knew what some of these women are say g to him.
Damn, wish I lived where I could get away with that!
I don't know where this Wank Master lives, or where he plays the Wank Game, but if he did that in the U.S.A., he would get hard time.
This man is a hero for mankind. Let all those feminists know who's boss. This is a cock and this rules over all women. The juices which flow from it should stain the teeth and clits of all women.
Someone should chops this disgusting cunt's cock off and shove it up his perverted arse. He is breaking the law and needs to be put away in prison permanently. Let him flash his cock and wank off in prison, then he can become some thug's arse stretching fag meat. Hopefully someone slit's this cunt's throat open.
Freaking he got