Fest girl makes water into a mug and takes a sip

Fest girl makes water into a mug and takes a sip
9 years ago 1:53 99132
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She enjoys the fair and uses the chance to take a piss into a mug, under the table. She takes a sip afterwards, just to have a small taste of her own beer.

Categories: pissing girls
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Unknown 7 years ago

Thats what I call recycling.

Unknown 9 years ago

Big-titted gal takes a white-water pee, for almost a minute, into a large mug... nearly three-quarters full. The under table piss-shot is mostly ruined by her hand blocking much of the action. Only the final few seconds of churning pee are clearly visible, (though worth the wait). Have seen better, so can only rate this 5 points. While oral water sports aren't our thing, some will enjoy seeing her drink from the mug.

Unknown 9 years ago

Fast n Liter saugeil. Würd gerne die süsse pussy ficken.

Unknown 9 years ago

Des is ja wirklich aufm Oktoberfest! So oane Dirne, hot goa ka Höschen drunter
Ganz ehrlich: Hab mir mal geschworen, eher eine Maß mit Mädchen-pipi zu trinken, als je wieder Bier! Bei ihr da siehts sogar fast aus wie Wasser

Unknown 9 years ago

Very hot!! What a nasty lil slut!! We'd have alotta fun together

Unknown 9 years ago

Let strangers see you pee

Unknown 9 years ago

Id drink her piss anyday

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